Mark Twain once said: “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” By that, Mark was trying to get across that the very first thing you do when you wake up should be the most challenging task of the day. This is […]
Kick Stress & Anxiety To The Curb
Stress and anxiety are a normal part of life, but anxiety disorders are the most common mental health illnesses. The benefits of exercise may well extend beyond stress relief to improving anxiety and related disorders. Psychologists studying how exercise relieves anxiety and depression suggest that a 10-minute walk may be just as good as a […]
The Effects of Exercise: Mental Health
Being physically fit isn’t the only benefit of exercise. Staying consistently active has a positive effect on your mental health with benefits like improving sleep and reducing anxiety. Whether someone has mental health problems or not, exercise is great for everyone. Exercise can help address a range of mental health symptoms, but the strongest research […]
Why is Exercise So Important For Your Mental Health?
We all read about exercise having an effect a postive effect on the body and mind which seems kind of obvious in some ways, but why is it really so important that you make time to exercise for your mental health?